Monday, March 7, 2011

Pancreas Symptoms More Condition_symptoms

Associazione Onlus
Art, science, nature, education
purchasing groups - Environmental Education
Tel 3385621757 Email:

Programme of activities for children to Vigna di San Martino
the vineyard will be open from March 11 for activities in the nature of children
Tuesday - Thursday - Friday

stable Laboratory of Environmental Education in kind from March to June.
Through the languages \u200b\u200bof art and play, according to the "laboratory procedures, we propose a path with weekly meetings da marzo a giugno per far conoscere la natura ai bambini, far trascorrere del tempo in maniera creativa ed a contatto con la campagna e con i ritmi della terra. L’idea e quella di toccare i temi della vita contadina arricchendoli dell’aspetto culturale e rivisitandoli in chiave artistica con l’obiettivo di condurre i bambini verso una maggiore conoscenza e sensibilità per la “terra”, offrendo loro un contesto naturale per la sperimentazione di se stessi.
Il fine è quello di creare uno spazio stabile pomeridiano per bambini, dove il concetto di ludica non sia finalizzato a se stesso bensi all’uso della creatività e della cultura, per offrire un luogo dove poter contribuire allo sviluppo armonico de children, in locations that use the game to create motivation and affection towards the "do", to the curiosity for knowledge and directed towards entering into a relationship with nature.
The three days represent three different paths, the meetings are held from 15.30 to 18.30
The monthly fee for a course is € 50.

Route Tuesday: "The keeper farmer " Journey to discover the rural life, to learn about the earth's resources. Led by Vincent Dina

Route Friday: " Micromega, senses and art " Path on art and nature to discover new points of view to interpret and understand the Earth. Led by Ross

Vigna di San Martino, Course Vittirio Emanuele 340, Naples
info and reservations tel 3385621757 Vincent Dina

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Wedding Proram Sayings/thank You


Acquarello su carta Fabriano ruvida, 18x18 cm

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bone Cancer More Condition_symptoms Ankle Uk




wheat Wheat was among the first plants to be cultivated. The center of its domestication has been identified by archaeologists in different locations, the large area reliefs from the mountains of Anatolia and Iran reached the coast of Palestine, including the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates, an area that has been called the "Fertile Crescent". Archaeologists and historians have penetrated the importance of the cultivation of wheat has done to push the first human societies to more complex forms of organization. While the vegetables can be cultivated, in fact, around a camp of nomads, wheat, under the climatic conditions in the valley of the Tigris, Euphrates, drove the first farmers to build networks of channels to extend the culture and to create the first fortifications to defend and protect the crop during the year, were then organized armies to defend against the nomads, the area irrigated by canals laboriously built and pushed these people to search for slaves to extend the canal systems to new areas. The wheat has forced, in these terms, the man to organize civil society.
The city of Rome to ensure a regular supply of grain became the mainstay of the Roman Empire. Wheat fell in the dietary habits of the Roman people, unlike the Sicilians, consumers of Hordeum (barley) on the basis of the traditional Greek agronomy. The habits of the Roman plebs led to enact the "law Terentia Cassia" in order to find good quality wheat.
Throughout history, bread was then consecrated culturally from the Christian religion, which gave it a symbolic and spiritual value in the religious ceremonial turning it into the "body of Christ" and inoculating the bibbliche allegories.
During the Fascist period to the present day, the grain was oject of a number of key considerations for the Italian economy that was started a process of "improvement" culture that ensures the production and procurement of this internal cereal. Is scored in this period, the line between selections from indigenous crops of corn and scientific research of new varieties with genetic mutations that lead to the creation of new seeds, was born in this period, the elected body for seeds in order to ensure the research and preservation of seeds.

Classification of wheat
The classification of the genus Triticum is complex and has been the subject of numerous subsequent studies, that of van Slageren is the latest and is now accepted by most scholars. In addition, some scholars have suggested the unification of the genus Aegilops with Triticum genus. For these reasons it is possible to find quotations from other species of the genus Triticum, now downgraded to the rank of subspecies or assigned to the genus Aegilops.

The genus Triticum includes 6 species classified according to ploidy level (ie the number of chromosomes that make up the genome) and genomic composition.
Two species are diploid with 14 chromosomes, 28 chromosomes with two tetraploid and two hexaploid with 42 chromosomes.
• The Triticum monococcum (diploid with genome A m) consists of two subspecies: T. monococcum aegilopoides, wild, and T. monococcum monococcum, cultivated, marketed under the name of einkorn;
• T. Urartu (diploid with genome A) exists exclusively in the wild. Although the genomes of T. monococcum and T. Urartu are very similar, the two species are considered as distinct because it does not give fertile offspring if interpollination;
• T. turgidum (tetraploid genomes BA), traded as wheat, has been the result of hybridization between species belonging to the lineage of 'Aegilops speltoides and the pollen of T. Urartu. T. turgidum includes several subspecies of which one of the most important is the T. turgidum dicoccum, grown and marketed under the name spelled, the subspecies T. turgidum dicoccum was subsequently derived from durum wheat (T. turgidum durum);
• T. timopheevii (tetraploid genomes GA), though very similar to T. turgidum, is the latest result of interbreeding occurred between the Aegilops speltoides and the pollen of T. Urartu. If interpollination, T. and T. turgidum timopheevii not give fertile offspring e sono pertanto considerate specie differenti. Al T. timopheevii appartengono due sottospecie: il T. timopheevii armeniacum, forma selvatica dalla quale è stata addomesticata una forma coltivata in alcune regioni del Caucaso, il T. timopheevii timopheevii;
• Il T. aestivum (esaploide con genomi BAD) è derivato dall'ibridazione di una sottospecie coltivata di T. turgidum e il polline di una specie selvatica, l'Aegilops tauschii. Tutte le diverse sottospecie sono coltivate ma la più importante è il grano tenero;
• Il T. zhukovskyi (esaploide con genomi GAAm ) è derivato dall'ibridazione tra T. timopheevii timopheevii e il polline del T. monococcum. Anche questa specie esiste solo in forma coltivata ed è present in some regions of the Caucasus.

Distribution of grain production in the world
Italy annually produces more than eight million tonnes of wheat, especially in the province of Foggia, known as the granary of Italy.
In Europe the countries are the strongest producers, as well as Italy, France (10 million tons annually), Germany (4.5 million), Spain (4.2 million), Britain (2.8 million), Romania (2.4 million), Portugal (2.1 million).
In America the major producers are Canada, the United States and Argentina. The volume of grain traded between nations in a year is 244 million tonnes. More than metà è prodotto da Cargill, multinazionale con centro in Minnesota, e circa il 25-30% dalla Archer Daniels Midland (ADM).

Nazareno Strampelli ed il GRANO SENATORE CAPPELLI
Alla fine dell’ottocento iniziano le prime scoperte ed i primi studi sulla radioattività (.... leggi tutto)
 Grani antichi - Grani moderni - Considerazioni Ambientali  - Alimentazione - Dati analitici del frumento integrale - Dal punto di vista nutrizionale - Le farine - Qualità e resa - Il lievito e la lievitazione - FONTI

Buona salute a tutti con l'augurio di promuovere la capacità di aggregarsi per scegliere attivamente il miglioramento della nostra società Vincent Dina

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lung Cancer Symptoms More Condition_symptoms

Mail-art Silvia Di Domenico

"Coriandoli di luce" è la bellissima mail-art inviatami dall'artista Silvia Di Domenico

Bella vero? Grazie 1000 Silvia!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ocd And Remunerations

The Flying Dutchman: Two south

Acquarello su carta ruvida, 18 x 23,5 cm

"Due south" significa verso sud

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Put A Floor In A Boat

Association onlus
Art, science, nature, education
purchasing groups - Environmental Education
Tel 3385621757 Email:

Programma attività per bambini alla Vigna di San Martino
Da marzo la vigna sarà aperta per le attivita in natura dei bambini nei seguenti giorni ed orari

Giovedi e venerdì pomeriggio

Laboratorio stabile di Educazione Ambientale in natura da Marzo a Giugno.
Attraverso i linguaggi dell’arte ed il gioco, secondo la “modalità laboratoriale”, propose a course with weekly meetings between March and June to introduce children to nature and to spend time in a creative manner and in contact with the campaign and with the rhythms of the earth. Along the way the idea is to tap the themes of peasant life, enriching the cultural and in artistic revisited with the aim to lead children towards an understanding of and sensitivity to the "land" offering them a natural context for testing themselves.

The goal is to create a stable afternoon for children, where the concept of fun is not an end in itself but rather the use of creativity and culture, to offer a place to contribute to the harmonious development of children within a path that takes advantage of the game to create motivation and affection towards the "do", to the curiosity to know and the right way to relate with nature.

Meetings take place from 15.30 to 18.30 You can subscribe to one or both days, the monthly cost is € 40 (4 meetings)

Saturday and Sunday
weekend workshops for children
Weekends thematic workshops are short courses intensive where a tim of experts offers a "metaphor" and develops it with the group. The narration, music and theater become the "boat" metaphor to leave and create a common imagery that will serve the justification and the ability to cooperate in an atmosphere of play.
The campus is spread over two days without sleeping 15-19 hours Saturday and Sunday 10 to 18.30
lunch and snack lunches.

Topics campus
1 - The keeper Farmer Agriculture - permaculture and biodynamics: Path peasant life, preparation - planting and care of the garden
2 - The nature of all fa :Percorso sulla preparazione di profumi, creme, oli e candele con i con prodotti delle api e della natura
3 – Micromega, i sensi e l’arte: Percorso su arte e natura per scoprire nuovi punti di vista per interpretare e comprendere la Terra.
4 – Costruttori di Bambù : Percostro sulla costruzione con l’uso di materiali naturali.
5 – Il Giullare di campagna : Percorso tra teatro, maschere … e Carnevale

Info e prenotazioni tel 3385621757

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thanking In Ceremony Program

Wollongong, Australia

Mixed media (watercolor and other mediums) on paper, 23x33 cm

from the photo of a friend in Australia

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Easton Bst31 Stealth Cnt

S. Michele in Foro

Watercolor on heavy paper rough, 33 x 23 cm

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tapeworm Diagnosis More Condition_symptoms

Circulate as much as possible



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(Centre specializzato contro i tumori)

NOTA BENE: L'ADDITIVO E330 (glutammato monosodico) E' IL PIU' PERICOLOSO


Buondì Motta; Jolly Alemagna; Merendine Fabbri; Tin Tin Alemagna; Merendine Briciola.
Aranciata San Pellegrino; Bitter Analcolico: Gingerino; Spume; Crodino; Aranciata Cin Cin; Aranciata Lievissima.
Aperol; Gancia; Americano; Rosso Antico; Amaro Cora; Clunol; Vov; Punch al Mandarino;
Caramelle Perugina alla frutta e formato a spicchi ( limone e arancia) Caramelle fondenti (perugina) ed Assortite Sete Sere ( perugina) Charms ( alemagna)

Please share!!

We have been asked to disseminate this information as possible:
hydrochloride aluminum would be the cause of many breast cancers.
a specialist in cell biology, Ms Gabriela Casanova Larossa University in Uruguay wrote this explanation of the origins of breast cancer:
Some time ago I attended a seminar that dealt with breast cancer. At the time of questions and answers, I asked him why 'armpit is the place where he further develops breast cancer.
So I have not received an answer to my question, but I just received a letter responding to my question, and I want to share it with you.
The main cause of breast cancer is the use of Anti-perspirant
The majority of products on the market are a combination of anti-perspirant and deodorant.
Look, the combination of the products in your home. If there are hydrochloride containing aluminum (including deodorant) you throw them away and find other brands that have components made of aluminum. There are on the market ......

Here is a very simple explanation. The
corpo umano ha solo poche zone suscettibili di eliminare le tossine: dietro alle ginocchia,tra le gambe e tra le ascelle.
Le tossine vengono eliminate sotto forma di sudorazione. Gli anti -traspiranti impediscono questa sudorazione, quindi EVITANO la missione del corpo che consiste nell'eliminazione delle tossine attraverso le ascelle.
Queste tossine non scompaiono. Sono trattenute nelle ghiandole linfatiche che si trovano sotto le braccia.
La maggioranza dei cancri al seno iniziano in questa regione superiore al seno.
Gli uomini sono meno suscettibili di sviluppare questo tipo di malattia perché anche se utilizzano anti-traspiranti questi vengono trattenuti in superficie dai armpit hair and do not apply directly to skin.
Women who shave under the arms increases the risk of minor injuries caused by the razor blade and using this product immediately after shaving to allow chemicals to penetrate more easily into the body.
Please, tell all the women and men who know.
Breast cancer takes truly alarming proportions! If with this note, we can prevent someone .....
Please allow this to continue to make known around the world.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wedding Messages In Cards

Methodology and Environmental Education workshop for children

Associazione onlus
Arte, scienza, natura, educazione

Gruppo d’Acquisto Solidale – Educazione Ambientale per bambini alla Vigna di San Martino
Tel 3385621757 mail:

Corso di formazione
“Metodologia Laboratoriale ed Educazione Ambientale per bambini”

L’educazione ambientale è un modo di orientarsi verso l’equilibrio nell’ecosistema, un insieme di pratiche che permettono la presa in carico della responsabilità che ciascuno di noi ha verso il pianeta nel proprio agire quotidiano. Essenzialmente è un modo di sentire che si radica quando s’inizia a conoscere la natura.
La metodologia laboratoriale, insieme all’arte, permette di creare esperienze educative che coinvolgono interamente la persona restituendo un idea di globalita del mondo e della cultura. La tradizione offre importanti strumenti per la comprensione ed il rispetto Earth.

The Association for the Feet Terra onlus arganizza a training course on "environmental education and methodology workshop. The course, which is proposed as the first level, is structured in two weekends (Saturday pom - Sunday morning and afternoon) and aims to create a time-sharing "language" of the method applied to environmental education workshop for find professionals and volunteers with whom to establish partnerships within the activities that the association does.

Interested parties should send CV and short presentation by email at, would appreciate any hint about their motivation to participate. Are provided for individual and group interviews. The course is limited.
First up on Saturday 26 and Sunday, February 27, 2011 c / o St. Martin's Vineyard (Corso Vittorio Emanuele 340, Naples.)
The preliminary meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 22 at 18.30
order to participate in each week- end there is a symbolic fee of € 15.

Info tel 3385621757 Vincent Dina (no Tuesday and Wednesday morning)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Robert Stanley

Mail-art Carla Colombo

What a surprise! This beautiful mail-art artist Carla Colombo:

"Drops and Gold" by Carla Colombo

real drops of art! Grazie 1000 Carla !

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Emphysema More Condition_symptoms And Asthma


Care, Cari,

March 3 Matteo Di Nicola, one of our employees, will travel to Senegal for a volunteer humanitarian mission, with the Association "Smile of Africa" \u200b\u200bnon-profit organization, operating in Senegal since 1998.

needed medicines to be distributed to the population of the villages. In particular:

- Gauze
- Patches
- Antibiotics for upper and lower respiratory tract
- Eye drops
- Ointments for scabies
- Tachipirina 500 / 1000

The collection is in Rome. If you can help, call the number 3281896074 Matthew


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Leroi Air Compressor Parts List


Olio su tela 50 x 60 cm

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Patty Cake In Trining


Dear, Dear,
due to an unexpectedly small in which we are unable to start our cooking course at the Sporting Club Laur,

Us looking for a dining kitchen (a restaurant, a hotel ...) near the metro station in Rome, or possibly in Laurentina XII Municipio, where you can activate our cooking classes for amateur and professional levels.

If anyone has news of a kitchen to rent (affordable) please contact us at the numbers

328 1896074 366 7212374 / 5

Alessio and Matthew

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jessica Simmons Weave

Portovenere: the church of S. Peter

Acquarello e matite acquarellabili su carta 22x 38 cm

Friday, January 28, 2011

Biggest Sunfish Sailboat

The mail-art FranzArt

Ecco qua le stupende marine dell'artista Franz!

Thanks Franz!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Commercial Blueprint For Swing Set


lesbian women in South Africa have been beaten and allegedly raped by a blood psychologists because of their homosexuality.
A "corrective rape".


https: / / / en / stop_corrective_rape /? Cl = 921397502 & v = 8242

Friday, January 21, 2011

Verizon Phone V325i User Manual

Sailing Picasso-like mountains

Oil on canvas 30 x 40 cm

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mount E Blade The Wedding Dance



"Comedy and DAILY LIFE - turn a sit-com "

place left
5 / 15 !!!!!!
ENTRIES CLOSE ON 24 January 2011

All great stories are born comic observations of daily life, but how do you turn an ordinary story into a story funny, maybe able to laugh at those who listen to us so capturing the attention?
do not have to be actors or writers, experts, each one of us is potentially able to entertain others, if he can develop his eye funny ", the ability to read the smallest events that out of the ordinary, not what you expect and that makes us smile.
The comedy, after all, is all here, and we are all capable of developing this type of "lateral thinking".
During the meetings, everyone will tell, in an absolutely free, as is done at the table with friends, an anecdote concerning him which is funny for some reason, and together we will try to understand why it is and what comedians are the mechanisms that can help us to improve it, to turn it into a real little monologue.
together will understand how humor not only did it for the stage, but is a convenient way to read everything that happens to us and relate to others: humor in everyday life, in short, but also humor to everyday life.
By putting into practice the mechanisms of humor, even through the observation of the performance of the great comedians, we will try in the last part of the course, to write and run together a real zero episode of a sitcom , the ultimate expression of the television comedy in everyday life, which will all be involved as authors and actors and that will remain in a DVD that will be delivered to all participants.


The course will be divided into 8 sessions of two hours each well articulated :

1. Introductory lecture:

- Eye comedian and humor

- Self-presentation in a comic

2. The mechanisms of comedy (1) :

- A tale of daily life in a comic

3. The mechanisms of comedy (2):

- A tale of daily life in a comic

4. years of writing and the mechanisms observed

5. Design and collective writing of sitcom :

- Tests (1)

6. Design and collective writing of sitcom :

- Tests (2)

7-8. Ciak, turns .

- filming of the written and tested together.

All matches will be accompanied by the sight of famous pieces, and not of Italian comedy, and constant exercises to apply what is explained.

Course start :
Tuesday, February 1 2011

AT :
v. Matteo Bartoli, 153

And all this for only .... 200 EURO!

20% OFF

INFO To send an email to:
You can also call the numbers

366 7212374 (Alessio)
366 7212375 (Matteo)

FROM 10.00 to 17.30

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Happened To Tiffany Towers

"Two naked figures, oil on canvas 25 x 30 cm

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sand Rail Ready Made Blueprints

La Befana e i suoi doni CORSO DI CUCINA


Kitchen, Home Economics and Education Food:


14 incontri con Alessio, chef delle migliori catene alberghiere e di ristorazione dell'Argentario.

Ogni Venerdì dalle 19.00 alle 22.00
o ...proponici tu un orario :) 

Presso il Laur Sporting Club via Matteo Bartoli, 153 Roma
a partire da: Venerdì 28 Gennaio 2011

Vuoi saperne di più? Leggi quali argomenti potrai affrontare durante il corso:

28 Gennaio: presentazione del corso, 
conoscere gli utensili , preparazioni delle salse madri

Friday, January 21, 2011: food combinations

Friday, January 28, 2011: household

Friday, February 4, 2011: knowledge of the biological

Friday, February 11, 2011: legumes and cereals

Friday, February 18, 2011: The eggs and dairy products

Friday, February 25, 2011: pasta

Friday, March 4, 2011: The vegetables

Friday, March 11, 2011: The meat

Friday, March 18, 2011: The fish

Friday, March 25, 2011: the sweet

Friday, April 1, 2011: How to create a menu and match the wines

Friday, April 8, 2011: Techniques for equipment and preparation of compositions centerpiece

Friday, April 15, 2011: friendly dinner!

addition with enrollment will be given a full chef's kit custom : jacket, trousers, apron ...!

All this for only 350 Euro!

E se sei uno studente o ricercatore universitario , grazie alla Convenzione IUniversityRoma  paghi il 20% in meno: 
solo 280 euro !!!

Ma non è finita qui... 

Perché per ogni persona che porti 
you a lesson ... FREE:)

And if for any reason you are forced to miss some lessons, SeFap makes you recover when you want!

So what are you waiting to come?

Send us an email to

or call the following numbers:

366 7212374 366 7212375

06 / 89522285

Or, passes us in the !
We Via Matteo Bartoli 153, Rome (near the Metro B Laurentina)
open from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 17.30

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Is Prolexis Penis Enhancement

Hello and welcome tribute

This beautiful and colorful picture was sent to me by the artist Dordi Gildo - 1000 by Gildo!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Voyeur 23 Adultbouncer

Acrilico su cartoncino bianco 33 x 45 cm