Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Online Blueprints For Swing Sets

Sunday home delivery 24 days for families to Vigna

Harvesting BIO

A day campaign as it was a time, with friends and family for the olive harvest. Small, large, medium, together with the networks, with rakes, to climb ... to live simply with nature ....

The event takes place on Sunday 24 October 2010 from 9.30 am to 16.00 at the Vineyard of San Martino in Naples, adhere to a charge of € 3 per person (ages 4 and older).
There will be a station with scales to measure the amount of olives harvested from each and a register.

In many campaigns in the south there is a rule that bins of olives in return for the money they take half of (gross) oil made from the pressing of the olives are harvested.

Wanting to follow the same traditional rule (with some adjustments for the differing contexts and for the value added of the leading company in biological) an agreement that we set for this initiative is that the collector hanno diritto al 40% (NETTO) della resa in olio, previo pagamento di €1,50 al litro.

Il pranzo è al sacco, si consiglia abbigliamento idoneo (scarpe da ginnastica, indumenti comodi, no tacchi a spillo …) poiché la Vigna è una campagna.

ll numero dei partecipanti è limitato per cui è necessario prenotarsi.
Info e prenotazioni
Tel 3385621757 (dopo le 16,15)


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