Friday, December 18, 2009

Scabies Condition_symptoms


Cari tutti, per le vacanze natalizie il gas effettuerà un acquisto il giorno 30 dicembre, salvo raggiungimento di un certo quantitativo minimo (così ci è stato chiesto da CONPROBIO ) mentre per i formaggi e le carni che trovate in listino provengono dall' Az . La Querceta , di cui abbiamo segnalato il link, a causa del caos di questo periodo, ieri (17 December ) their products have not arrived because the carrier was not arriving on time, so the manager phoned me to tell me that he preferred to delay the start of the supplies until after the holidays. The company's products. Q uerceta will be transported by refrigerated truck .

In these days begins another "small" gas project which is to establish a network of resources 'sustainable', a network of individuals and situations they can trust in the hubbub of the thirst for money and interest that characterize the society in which we live. The idea is simple and is offered as a trial total, an attempt to link resources that may follow the principle of "sustainable village" to repay what emphasize solidarity and honesty and how great it is to feel surrounded by people that do not be afraid of living and "sense of humanity. " To begin this experiment unpretentious open the heading "FRIEND OF GAS" that will serve to alert people and resources (tested by members of the GAS) that deserve praise, a "blue label" of "FRIEND OF GAS". We hope to be able to give space to the simple, to reward them for having believed and did not let go.
soon Vincenzo


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