Vogliamo augurare a tutte le nostre famiglie italiane un Felice Natale in mezzo a tutte le difficoltà che stiamo affrontando. Nella speranza che il prossimo anno ci porti davvero qualcosa di buono, come le dimissioni di Berlusconi, l'arrivo di una classe politica più efficiente, l'aumento dei posti di lavoro, degli stipendi e delle pensioni, l'abbassamento delle tasse e degli stipendi dei politici,...
Insomma, che il 2010 can really be a turning point. We will try, but the results depend on everyone. We need to grow up, I decided the concrete.
We hope that this Christmas with the same difficulties may find the happiness that every human being deserves even more conviction and participate in the fight: too many Italians complain that nothing works, but then do nothing about it ... We want to be a better Christmas next?
Proposals us have, it's up to you to make your choice. Take part: it is a common struggle!
We must all be convinced that change is possible. ITALIAN save ourselves!
initiatives next year are already being studied with the help of experts and soon to be launched. Concrete actions that will result if the contribution is massive. So help us spread this site so you can really have a ready answer when that action will actually be proposed.
- Complaint town to the Italian state and the ruling party for the infringement of laws and constitutional provisions, with the support of the European Community.
- Collect Signatures for full approval of the popular word (or to comply with the law under which the petitions must be considered and not binned) to the attention of constitutional guarantees.
- National Petition for the drastic reduction in salaries of the entire political class.
- Denuncia collettiva per l'abolizione del canone RAI.
Ricordiamo intanto che abbiamo già alcune iniziative già attive:
- 2010: SMS o Berlusconi? (Manda un SMS di auguri e speranza, continuando la protesta)
- Offensiva e-mail per chiarimenti sull'aggressione a Berlusconi
http://italianisalviamoci-iniziative.blogspot.com/2009/12/offensiva-email-chiarimenti-agressione.html -
Protesta Banconote
Tenete sempre presente that IF WE WANT, WE CAN!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to 600 people in just 5 days have given us confidence and all those who believe in our initiatives. Ours, all of us! GREETINGS!
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