Vogliamo augurare a tutte le nostre famiglie italiane un Felice Natale in mezzo a tutte le difficoltà che stiamo affrontando. Nella speranza che il prossimo anno ci porti davvero qualcosa di buono, come le dimissioni di Berlusconi, l'arrivo di una classe politica più efficiente, l'aumento dei posti di lavoro, degli stipendi e delle pensioni, l'abbassamento delle tasse e degli stipendi dei politici,...
Insomma, che il 2010 can really be a turning point. We will try, but the results depend on everyone. We need to grow up, I decided the concrete.
We hope that this Christmas with the same difficulties may find the happiness that every human being deserves even more conviction and participate in the fight: too many Italians complain that nothing works, but then do nothing about it ... We want to be a better Christmas next?
Proposals us have, it's up to you to make your choice. Take part: it is a common struggle!
We must all be convinced that change is possible. ITALIAN save ourselves!
initiatives next year are already being studied with the help of experts and soon to be launched. Concrete actions that will result if the contribution is massive. So help us spread this site so you can really have a ready answer when that action will actually be proposed.
- Complaint town to the Italian state and the ruling party for the infringement of laws and constitutional provisions, with the support of the European Community.
- Collect Signatures for full approval of the popular word (or to comply with the law under which the petitions must be considered and not binned) to the attention of constitutional guarantees.
- National Petition for the drastic reduction in salaries of the entire political class.
- Denuncia collettiva per l'abolizione del canone RAI.
Ricordiamo intanto che abbiamo già alcune iniziative già attive:
- 2010: SMS o Berlusconi? (Manda un SMS di auguri e speranza, continuando la protesta)
- Offensiva e-mail per chiarimenti sull'aggressione a Berlusconi
http://italianisalviamoci-iniziative.blogspot.com/2009/12/offensiva-email-chiarimenti-agressione.html -
Protesta Banconote
Tenete sempre presente that IF WE WANT, WE CAN!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to 600 people in just 5 days have given us confidence and all those who believe in our initiatives. Ours, all of us! GREETINGS!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Le Roi Air Compressor
on aggression to Berlusconi
Great work by Mirko Celii
( http://www.facebook.com/mirko.celii )
A deep research reported all the details that seemed odd and we want an official statement!
Here's the link:
http://www.facebook.com/home.php # / note.php? Note_id = 219452762128 & id = 608507202 & ref = nf
One of them has a broken nose, which one?
Great work by Mirko Celii
( http://www.facebook.com/mirko.celii )
A deep research reported all the details that seemed odd and we want an official statement!
Here's the link:
http://www.facebook.com/home.php # / note.php? Note_id = 219452762128 & id = 608507202 & ref = nf

One of them has a broken nose, which one?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Who Is Temilade O. Kadree
The Problem of 'Italy Berlusconi sells
The problem with our Italy, but also of many other countries, is that of lack of jurisdiction, says Umberto Galimberti. Italy in the first floor has a bad school education, which in comparison with other countries' national schools but also private ones of Italy is really worth.
The goal that a school nowadays, but also in all the future must have, is that of teaching competence. And so it must be a school, which informs and makes students learn (about) all the things in life they may encounter in an absolutely serious! I'm not saying that the school does not have to like it because the study is, as I said, to be serious. But it must be a pleasure for every student to go to school, because who knows what they are told is based on the truth and because he is aware that it is a duty and a pleasure to receive this information. This of course can only get and made out of highly qualified teachers. Schools must stop being just a place to meet friends and make a talk on Italian literature, while half the class play with their cell phone, talking with his companion, he sleeps or eat. The sociological point of view we have to be, talking with friends, there should be but there must be a willingness and awareness of all students that the most important thing in their lives, but also for the good of the country and the whole world is in school education, the real one!
said that I want to tell because the situation in which we live today has been created. This is very easy to understand and as a major cause I have already referred to the bad school education, which is the source of all evil there is. All this starting from the school is spreading in various aspects of life. The misinformation in the media, caused by people who only work for interest own, the same as harm society (Berlusconi, the various conductors, the various lords Rai). By people in offices, post offices, hospitals, schools. All people who work for the state, and therefore for all of us, which is influenced by the state and by their decisions (budget, reforms, laws, wages). All these decisions are then reflected on us. In offices, most of the people is arrogant, rude, horrible! The teachers at school that they have absolutely no desire to go to school for having to spend days with children who have chaos. The doctors, doctors, nurses .... that are not doing their job where they should, are rude and treat us with an air of "this here is not so much know anything, so I might as well commit myself. "Cops who do their work even seen them in bars to drink coffee. And so on, of course, not generally speaking, without accusing all those good people who are there and they do their work as they should, but speaking of all those who ruin the reputation of these. The public service has become a burden, a burden, a burden and is not what it should be: a pleasant duty and a job that faces with great desire to help the state and therefore the population.
The goal that a school nowadays, but also in all the future must have, is that of teaching competence. And so it must be a school, which informs and makes students learn (about) all the things in life they may encounter in an absolutely serious! I'm not saying that the school does not have to like it because the study is, as I said, to be serious. But it must be a pleasure for every student to go to school, because who knows what they are told is based on the truth and because he is aware that it is a duty and a pleasure to receive this information. This of course can only get and made out of highly qualified teachers. Schools must stop being just a place to meet friends and make a talk on Italian literature, while half the class play with their cell phone, talking with his companion, he sleeps or eat. The sociological point of view we have to be, talking with friends, there should be but there must be a willingness and awareness of all students that the most important thing in their lives, but also for the good of the country and the whole world is in school education, the real one!
said that I want to tell because the situation in which we live today has been created. This is very easy to understand and as a major cause I have already referred to the bad school education, which is the source of all evil there is. All this starting from the school is spreading in various aspects of life. The misinformation in the media, caused by people who only work for interest own, the same as harm society (Berlusconi, the various conductors, the various lords Rai). By people in offices, post offices, hospitals, schools. All people who work for the state, and therefore for all of us, which is influenced by the state and by their decisions (budget, reforms, laws, wages). All these decisions are then reflected on us. In offices, most of the people is arrogant, rude, horrible! The teachers at school that they have absolutely no desire to go to school for having to spend days with children who have chaos. The doctors, doctors, nurses .... that are not doing their job where they should, are rude and treat us with an air of "this here is not so much know anything, so I might as well commit myself. "Cops who do their work even seen them in bars to drink coffee. And so on, of course, not generally speaking, without accusing all those good people who are there and they do their work as they should, but speaking of all those who ruin the reputation of these. The public service has become a burden, a burden, a burden and is not what it should be: a pleasant duty and a job that faces with great desire to help the state and therefore the population.
All because, and here we are again at the origin, the school does not teach anything important. The techniques to determine if the information is true or if was mounted to fade away or an entire NO BERLUSCONI DAY, to disappear or to change the real events as the real cause of death of Stephen Cucchi, is in no way taught to students. The population, and here I refer back to Umberto Galimberti, decide and believe for reasons of public rhetoric, ideological affiliations, beliefs and general emotional sensitivity. But few understand the complexities that are behind things, but it is essential to understanding the scale and impacts that are related to these things, and then to reach a valid decision.
the school since the first days to teach students the critical verification!
In addition to teaching people the social and moral values \u200b\u200bfor which we live. Everyone must be aware of human rights and should know how everyone! Each person must respect every other person, no matter if it is white or black, if they are wholly or Milan, if it is religious or not. Because we are all equal and we must fight to ensure that we all have the same opportunities.
Starting from the same education at the highest level!
(written by Julien Gianoncelli-Schröder, italotedesco)
the school since the first days to teach students the critical verification!
In addition to teaching people the social and moral values \u200b\u200bfor which we live. Everyone must be aware of human rights and should know how everyone! Each person must respect every other person, no matter if it is white or black, if they are wholly or Milan, if it is religious or not. Because we are all equal and we must fight to ensure that we all have the same opportunities.
Starting from the same education at the highest level!
(written by Julien Gianoncelli-Schröder, italotedesco)
Intitle ''i-catcher Console Web Monitor
Berlusconi Villa Certosa sell for the 'moderate' figure of 450 million Euros to a sheikh of Abu Dhabi. The rider provides that the decision is due to the fact that the house was 'Raped' after photos that have been made. Please note that the photos made by a reporter from a prestigious and not a paparazzo, portrayed Berlusconi and his guests in the company of showgirls and starlets of the fourth order.
Berlusconi Villa Certosa sell for the 'moderate' figure of 450 million Euros to a sheikh of Abu Dhabi. The rider provides that the decision is due to the fact that the house was 'Raped' after photos that have been made. Please note that the photos made by a reporter from a prestigious and not a paparazzo, portrayed Berlusconi and his guests in the company of showgirls and starlets of the fourth order.
Scabies Condition_symptoms
Cari tutti, per le vacanze natalizie il gas effettuerà un acquisto il giorno 30 dicembre, salvo raggiungimento di un certo quantitativo minimo (così ci è stato chiesto da CONPROBIO ) mentre per i formaggi e le carni che trovate in listino provengono dall' Az . La Querceta , di cui abbiamo segnalato il link, a causa del caos di questo periodo, ieri (17 December ) their products have not arrived because the carrier was not arriving on time, so the manager phoned me to tell me that he preferred to delay the start of the supplies until after the holidays. The company's products. Q uerceta will be transported by refrigerated truck .
In these days begins another "small" gas project which is to establish a network of resources 'sustainable', a network of individuals and situations they can trust in the hubbub of the thirst for money and interest that characterize the society in which we live. The idea is simple and is offered as a trial total, an attempt to link resources that may follow the principle of "sustainable village" to repay what emphasize solidarity and honesty and how great it is to feel surrounded by people that do not be afraid of living and "sense of humanity. " To begin this experiment unpretentious open the heading "FRIEND OF GAS" that will serve to alert people and resources (tested by members of the GAS) that deserve praise, a "blue label" of "FRIEND OF GAS". We hope to be able to give space to the simple, to reward them for having believed and did not let go.
soon Vincenzo
Cari tutti, per le vacanze natalizie il gas effettuerà un acquisto il giorno 30 dicembre, salvo raggiungimento di un certo quantitativo minimo (così ci è stato chiesto da CONPROBIO ) mentre per i formaggi e le carni che trovate in listino provengono dall' Az . La Querceta , di cui abbiamo segnalato il link, a causa del caos di questo periodo, ieri (17 December ) their products have not arrived because the carrier was not arriving on time, so the manager phoned me to tell me that he preferred to delay the start of the supplies until after the holidays. The company's products. Q uerceta will be transported by refrigerated truck .
In these days begins another "small" gas project which is to establish a network of resources 'sustainable', a network of individuals and situations they can trust in the hubbub of the thirst for money and interest that characterize the society in which we live. The idea is simple and is offered as a trial total, an attempt to link resources that may follow the principle of "sustainable village" to repay what emphasize solidarity and honesty and how great it is to feel surrounded by people that do not be afraid of living and "sense of humanity. " To begin this experiment unpretentious open the heading "FRIEND OF GAS" that will serve to alert people and resources (tested by members of the GAS) that deserve praise, a "blue label" of "FRIEND OF GAS". We hope to be able to give space to the simple, to reward them for having believed and did not let go.
soon Vincenzo
GAS PIEDIPERLATERRA NAPLES piediperlaterra@libero.it tel 3495797340 3385621757
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