the goal of every bodybuilder and 'increase as more ' their muscle mass as possible. Anyone who wants to increase their muscle has to deal with a process that develops, however, on some Guidelines: The correct form of the movement
el ' progressive increase in workload are the two key concepts of basic intimately connected that should never be forgotten by those who want to increase their muscle mass.
To correct form of the movement means a very controlled performance, and "conscious" in which the athlete has full control of the apparatus. The speed will slow and controlled in the eccentric phase (elongation). Explosive in the concentric (shortening). Will then be fundamental and profound voluntary contraction for two seconds in the stage is called "peak". When there is no monitoring of the conduct will affect the quality I workout and this may be due to poor concentration and / or a load is too high. In contrast, the concept of progressive increase of the loads which must be always constant and never form an unfavorable year. Other
fundamental and basic concept 'the number of repetitions to perform.
Studies (Harre ) showed that the growth muscle 'when stimulated in a massive range of repeats varies between 6 and 12. Below you end up with the 6 train above all force. Over and above the increases are insignificant and muscle strength training. (Photo taken from the book bodybuilding di CIANTI)
el ' progressive increase in workload are the two key concepts of basic intimately connected that should never be forgotten by those who want to increase their muscle mass.
To correct form of the movement means a very controlled performance, and "conscious" in which the athlete has full control of the apparatus. The speed will slow and controlled in the eccentric phase (elongation). Explosive in the concentric (shortening). Will then be fundamental and profound voluntary contraction for two seconds in the stage is called "peak". When there is no monitoring of the conduct will affect the quality I workout and this may be due to poor concentration and / or a load is too high. In contrast, the concept of progressive increase of the loads which must be always constant and never form an unfavorable year. Other
fundamental and basic concept 'the number of repetitions to perform.
Studies (Harre ) showed that the growth muscle 'when stimulated in a massive range of repeats varies between 6 and 12. Below you end up with the 6 train above all force. Over and above the increases are insignificant and muscle strength training. (Photo taken from the book bodybuilding di CIANTI)
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