Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Jocalynn George First Time Auditions

I often observe how they train the kids in the hall. And I check regularly the same mistakes. Errors that arise mainly from lack of knowledge.
This is because each individual tends to develop awareness of their real ones that go beyond technical and scientific.
Vediamo nello specifico quelli che sono gli errori piu' comuni.

1) Usare un carico troppo elevato. Nella convinzione di riuscire a crescere "forzando" il carico di lavoro esterno, l'atleta incrementa troppo i carichi di lavoro. Come conseguenza l'esercizio viene fatto male. L'atleta concentrato sul peso finisce con il perdere quella "sensibilità muscolare " che 'il primo presupposto per la crescità.Viene così in primo luogo pregiudicata la qualità della contrazione muscolare. Aumentano inoltre le possibilità di lesioni muscolari trasferendo i carichi essenzialmente su quelle strutture nella catena cinetica che sono Più deboli.
2) Allenarsi troppo frequentemente. Una delle leggi della fisiologia workout emphasizes the alternation of charges and recoveries. This means we our body undergoes a stress (exercise) should be able to recover for at least 24/48 before being resubmitted to a job
3) Do not perform an adequate warm up and cool-down. Like any engine, also
body is heated. Heart, muscles, tendons and brain must be gradually implemented before being subjected to a heavy workout. 10 minutes of exercise bike and some movements can be prepared in the effort we put in our bodies. Similarly, the cool-down and 'equally important. Stretching exercises will help our muscles to dispose of toxins produced by labor and help in our body to take action to recover better.
Good training to all ...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Blueprints For Outside Playset

the trick of the day

When you exercise, you should focus on one thing: on the muscle!
Try to "feel" the muscle working. Stretch the muscle slowly feeling the muscle fibers that stretch under the weight. Push hard and explosively in the active phase of the movement, contracting the muscle in the final phase of the movement.
If the concentration is such that you lose count of the repetitions, the better. All know how to count, but few are able to achieve a strong harmony between the mind and muscles.

Cube Field Walkthrough

Supplements: Creatine. All you need to know

Currently, the most popular dietary supplement, both in terms of individual use of scientific research in this regard is creatine monohydrate. Supplement their diet with creatine seems to be a safe practice, provided in accordance with arrangements provided for science. People who use this powerful supplement can therefore expect to increase their body weight-steam e. at the same time, reduce their body fat, provided you make matches the integration of a physical training program.
Creatine plays a major role in one of the three energy systems used for muscle contractions. It exists in two forms differ-ent within the muscle fibers: creatine free (unbound) and creatine phosphate (two thirds of the total creatine of the body). The creatine phosphate (or phospho-creatine) helps to recycle adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the initial fuel muscle contractions, as it is oxidized. If the pool of creatine use to promote the new synthesis of ATP is high, the ra-producing lactic acid (which produces the sensation of burning muscle, typical of a deep alicnamento) is reduced, so that you can work out more long and with greater intensity. It has been shown that creatine improves production of contractile proteins in muscle fiber-ri, with the subsequent development, in turn, muscle mass and a greater ability to re-do some muscle work.
Unlike other supplements, intake of creatine monohydrate in specific circumstances is supported by solid scientific evidence. Almost all of the total creatine in the body is in skeletal muscle machines, in the form of free creatine and phosphocreatine. The main function of phosphocreatine is to act as a buffer against rapid increases in energy demand. We have seen the depletion of reserves fosfocrea-tina is legal onset of stage of fatigue and, consequently, we can theorize that the increase in the percentage of total creatine in the muscles, resulting from the integration thereof, may have a positive effect on the performance of high intensity workouts.

The strength and power athletes, bodybuilders and fitness fans have pre-presumably, everything to gain from taking creatine, and the same will be said for those who practice sports or activities that pose a challenge for the system energy of phosphocreatine. It recommended a loading dose of approx. 25 g per day, or 0.3 g per kg of body weight, of a total of 5 days, followed by a maintenance dose of up to a max. I-5-gram daily.
There are still many unanswered questions on the integration of na-created, including ones on how to maximize the accumulation of creatine in them or snouts. what is the dosage required to maintain high reserves of creatine in the muscles, the long-term physiological effects caused by the contribution of creatine, including potential side effects including e. Finally, the reactions of a wide range of people, including women, elderly patients and 0 indi-viduals in a catabolic state.
Currently, based on current data in our possession, creatine supplementation appears to be a safe, effective nutritional strategy, aimed at enhancing the performance of training. Even more amazing, the re-search shows such as creatine aid 1 * 80% or more of those who use it in the prescribed manner. If you are looking for an effective way to improve your strength, physique or sporting performance, you'll find that creatine can help you reach your personal limit.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Retired Congratulation Message

training for muscle growth

the goal of every bodybuilder and 'increase as more ' their muscle mass as possible. Anyone who wants to increase their muscle has to deal with a process that develops, however, on some Guidelines: The correct form of the movement
el ' progressive increase in workload are the two key concepts of basic intimately connected that should never be forgotten by those who want to increase their muscle mass.
To correct form of the movement means a very controlled performance, and "conscious" in which the athlete has full control of the apparatus. The speed will slow and controlled in the eccentric phase (elongation). Explosive in the concentric (shortening). Will then be fundamental and profound voluntary contraction for two seconds in the stage is called "peak". When there is no monitoring of the conduct will affect the quality I workout and this may be due to poor concentration and / or a load is too high. In contrast, the concept of progressive increase of the loads which must be always constant and never form an unfavorable year. Other
fundamental and basic concept 'the number of repetitions to perform.
Studies (Harre ) showed that the growth muscle 'when stimulated in a massive range of repeats varies between 6 and 12. Below you end up with the 6 train above all force. Over and above the increases are insignificant and muscle strength training. (Photo taken from the book bodybuilding di CIANTI)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Party Invitation Wording Chemo


Some behaviors such as phone calls, text messages, e-mail, "surprise visits" may be welcome signs of affection, however, can sometimes turn into real forms of persecution can to limit the freedom of a person and of violating his privacy, reaching even those who are to scare the recipient against his will. To become "obsessive stalker" or "stalker" may be a known person with whom you had some kind of relationship or even a stranger with whom were encountered just by chance, perhaps for work purposes. Following this definition, the syndrome consists of: 1
. an actor (stalker) that identifies a person against whom developed an intense ideological polarization - emotional.
2. a repeated series of behaviors in the nature of supervision and / or communication and / or search for contact
3. the person identified by the harassment (stalking victim) percepisce soggettivamente come intrusivi e sgraditi tali comportamenti, avvertendoli con un associato senso di minaccia e di paura.La maggioranza dei comportamenti assillanti vengono messi in atto da partner o ex-partner di sesso maschile (in Italia il 70% degli stalkers è uomo), con un’età compresa tra i 18 ed i 25 anni (il 55% dei casi) quando la causa è di abbandono o di amore respinto o superiore ai 55 anni quando ci si trova di fronte ad una separazione o ad un divorzio.
Sebbene sia possibile un certo uso ed abuso di sostanze e/o di alcool, questa non risulta essere una caratteristica essenziale del quadro descrittivo del molestatore in questione.
Le cause possono essere diverse, ma spesso si traducono in casi di abandoned or rejected love (the youngest victims) or by separation and divorce.
you feel, unfortunately often hear of tragedies that have consumed between couples in crisis or already divided, a case could be that success in Turin, where a young man of 28 years, Anthony Rizzo, was arrested for the murder of his girlfriend , Nadia Menezes, after questioning the young man has confessed to having strangled the young girl and then strangled her with a pillow.
The age of the subjects it suggests, from a psychological point of view, a person weak or not well formed and that, for fear of being abandoned, perhaps as a repetition of early childhood experiences of separations occurred, it binds to someone obsessively. The stalker then develops relational disorders linked to traumatic events and experiencing a great need for affection.
It therefore stresses the possible existence and persistence of a stalker in the model of insecure attachment (anxious - ambivalent, avoidant or disorganized attachment as claimed by scholars) for which the subject can not help but dell''altra person, which becomes functional for its existence.