In dodici mesi un milione di donne ha subito violenze
One million women, in Italy, has suffered violence, physical or sexual violence over the past twelve months. In the first six months of 2007 there were 62 killed, 141 were the subject of attempted murder, 1805 have been abused, 10,383 were violently beaten. We thought that women would suffer violence only in places of war, where there is' racial hatred, ignorance reigns and in countries defined as "civilians." The reality 'is very different: in Italy more than 6 and a half million women have been once in my life a form of physical or sexual violence, and victims are mostly women graduates (Istat), career women, women who supposedly have nothing to do with the world "uncivilized." With us, violence is the leading cause of death or permanent disability of women between 14 and 50 years. More 'than any other disease. Every day, seven women have taken a fight, or are subject to abuse or being abused.
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