Monday, March 7, 2011
Pancreas Symptoms More Condition_symptoms
Associazione Onlus
Art, science, nature, education
purchasing groups - Environmental Education
Tel 3385621757 Email:
Programme of activities for children to Vigna di San Martino
the vineyard will be open from March 11 for activities in the nature of children
Tuesday - Thursday - Friday
stable Laboratory of Environmental Education in kind from March to June.
Through the languages \u200b\u200bof art and play, according to the "laboratory procedures, we propose a path with weekly meetings da marzo a giugno per far conoscere la natura ai bambini, far trascorrere del tempo in maniera creativa ed a contatto con la campagna e con i ritmi della terra. L’idea e quella di toccare i temi della vita contadina arricchendoli dell’aspetto culturale e rivisitandoli in chiave artistica con l’obiettivo di condurre i bambini verso una maggiore conoscenza e sensibilità per la “terra”, offrendo loro un contesto naturale per la sperimentazione di se stessi.
Il fine è quello di creare uno spazio stabile pomeridiano per bambini, dove il concetto di ludica non sia finalizzato a se stesso bensi all’uso della creatività e della cultura, per offrire un luogo dove poter contribuire allo sviluppo armonico de children, in locations that use the game to create motivation and affection towards the "do", to the curiosity for knowledge and directed towards entering into a relationship with nature.
The three days represent three different paths, the meetings are held from 15.30 to 18.30
The monthly fee for a course is € 50.
Route Tuesday: "The keeper farmer " Journey to discover the rural life, to learn about the earth's resources. Led by Vincent Dina
Route Friday: " Micromega, senses and art " Path on art and nature to discover new points of view to interpret and understand the Earth. Led by Ross
Vigna di San Martino, Course Vittirio Emanuele 340, Naples
info and reservations tel 3385621757 Vincent Dina
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Bone Cancer More Condition_symptoms Ankle Uk
wheat Wheat was among the first plants to be cultivated. The center of its domestication has been identified by archaeologists in different locations, the large area reliefs from the mountains of Anatolia and Iran reached the coast of Palestine, including the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates, an area that has been called the "Fertile Crescent". Archaeologists and historians have penetrated the importance of the cultivation of wheat has done to push the first human societies to more complex forms of organization. While the vegetables can be cultivated, in fact, around a camp of nomads, wheat, under the climatic conditions in the valley of the Tigris, Euphrates, drove the first farmers to build networks of channels to extend the culture and to create the first fortifications to defend and protect the crop during the year, were then organized armies to defend against the nomads, the area irrigated by canals laboriously built and pushed these people to search for slaves to extend the canal systems to new areas. The wheat has forced, in these terms, the man to organize civil society.
The city of Rome to ensure a regular supply of grain became the mainstay of the Roman Empire. Wheat fell in the dietary habits of the Roman people, unlike the Sicilians, consumers of Hordeum (barley) on the basis of the traditional Greek agronomy. The habits of the Roman plebs led to enact the "law Terentia Cassia" in order to find good quality wheat.
Throughout history, bread was then consecrated culturally from the Christian religion, which gave it a symbolic and spiritual value in the religious ceremonial turning it into the "body of Christ" and inoculating the bibbliche allegories.
During the Fascist period to the present day, the grain was oject of a number of key considerations for the Italian economy that was started a process of "improvement" culture that ensures the production and procurement of this internal cereal. Is scored in this period, the line between selections from indigenous crops of corn and scientific research of new varieties with genetic mutations that lead to the creation of new seeds, was born in this period, the elected body for seeds in order to ensure the research and preservation of seeds.
Classification of wheat
The classification of the genus Triticum is complex and has been the subject of numerous subsequent studies, that of van Slageren is the latest and is now accepted by most scholars. In addition, some scholars have suggested the unification of the genus Aegilops with Triticum genus. For these reasons it is possible to find quotations from other species of the genus Triticum, now downgraded to the rank of subspecies or assigned to the genus Aegilops.
The genus Triticum includes 6 species classified according to ploidy level (ie the number of chromosomes that make up the genome) and genomic composition.
Two species are diploid with 14 chromosomes, 28 chromosomes with two tetraploid and two hexaploid with 42 chromosomes.
• The Triticum monococcum (diploid with genome A m) consists of two subspecies: T. monococcum aegilopoides, wild, and T. monococcum monococcum, cultivated, marketed under the name of einkorn;
• T. Urartu (diploid with genome A) exists exclusively in the wild. Although the genomes of T. monococcum and T. Urartu are very similar, the two species are considered as distinct because it does not give fertile offspring if interpollination;
• T. turgidum (tetraploid genomes BA), traded as wheat, has been the result of hybridization between species belonging to the lineage of 'Aegilops speltoides and the pollen of T. Urartu. T. turgidum includes several subspecies of which one of the most important is the T. turgidum dicoccum, grown and marketed under the name spelled, the subspecies T. turgidum dicoccum was subsequently derived from durum wheat (T. turgidum durum);
• T. timopheevii (tetraploid genomes GA), though very similar to T. turgidum, is the latest result of interbreeding occurred between the Aegilops speltoides and the pollen of T. Urartu. If interpollination, T. and T. turgidum timopheevii not give fertile offspring e sono pertanto considerate specie differenti. Al T. timopheevii appartengono due sottospecie: il T. timopheevii armeniacum, forma selvatica dalla quale è stata addomesticata una forma coltivata in alcune regioni del Caucaso, il T. timopheevii timopheevii;
• Il T. aestivum (esaploide con genomi BAD) è derivato dall'ibridazione di una sottospecie coltivata di T. turgidum e il polline di una specie selvatica, l'Aegilops tauschii. Tutte le diverse sottospecie sono coltivate ma la più importante è il grano tenero;
• Il T. zhukovskyi (esaploide con genomi GAAm ) è derivato dall'ibridazione tra T. timopheevii timopheevii e il polline del T. monococcum. Anche questa specie esiste solo in forma coltivata ed è present in some regions of the Caucasus.
Distribution of grain production in the world
Italy annually produces more than eight million tonnes of wheat, especially in the province of Foggia, known as the granary of Italy.
In Europe the countries are the strongest producers, as well as Italy, France (10 million tons annually), Germany (4.5 million), Spain (4.2 million), Britain (2.8 million), Romania (2.4 million), Portugal (2.1 million).
In America the major producers are Canada, the United States and Argentina. The volume of grain traded between nations in a year is 244 million tonnes. More than metà è prodotto da Cargill, multinazionale con centro in Minnesota, e circa il 25-30% dalla Archer Daniels Midland (ADM).
Nazareno Strampelli ed il GRANO SENATORE CAPPELLI
Alla fine dell’ottocento iniziano le prime scoperte ed i primi studi sulla radioattività (.... leggi tutto)
Grani antichi - Grani moderni - Considerazioni Ambientali - Alimentazione - Dati analitici del frumento integrale - Dal punto di vista nutrizionale - Le farine - Qualità e resa - Il lievito e la lievitazione - FONTI
Buona salute a tutti con l'augurio di promuovere la capacità di aggregarsi per scegliere attivamente il miglioramento della nostra società Vincent Dina
wheat Wheat was among the first plants to be cultivated. The center of its domestication has been identified by archaeologists in different locations, the large area reliefs from the mountains of Anatolia and Iran reached the coast of Palestine, including the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates, an area that has been called the "Fertile Crescent". Archaeologists and historians have penetrated the importance of the cultivation of wheat has done to push the first human societies to more complex forms of organization. While the vegetables can be cultivated, in fact, around a camp of nomads, wheat, under the climatic conditions in the valley of the Tigris, Euphrates, drove the first farmers to build networks of channels to extend the culture and to create the first fortifications to defend and protect the crop during the year, were then organized armies to defend against the nomads, the area irrigated by canals laboriously built and pushed these people to search for slaves to extend the canal systems to new areas. The wheat has forced, in these terms, the man to organize civil society.
The city of Rome to ensure a regular supply of grain became the mainstay of the Roman Empire. Wheat fell in the dietary habits of the Roman people, unlike the Sicilians, consumers of Hordeum (barley) on the basis of the traditional Greek agronomy. The habits of the Roman plebs led to enact the "law Terentia Cassia" in order to find good quality wheat.
Throughout history, bread was then consecrated culturally from the Christian religion, which gave it a symbolic and spiritual value in the religious ceremonial turning it into the "body of Christ" and inoculating the bibbliche allegories.
During the Fascist period to the present day, the grain was oject of a number of key considerations for the Italian economy that was started a process of "improvement" culture that ensures the production and procurement of this internal cereal. Is scored in this period, the line between selections from indigenous crops of corn and scientific research of new varieties with genetic mutations that lead to the creation of new seeds, was born in this period, the elected body for seeds in order to ensure the research and preservation of seeds.
Classification of wheat
The classification of the genus Triticum is complex and has been the subject of numerous subsequent studies, that of van Slageren is the latest and is now accepted by most scholars. In addition, some scholars have suggested the unification of the genus Aegilops with Triticum genus. For these reasons it is possible to find quotations from other species of the genus Triticum, now downgraded to the rank of subspecies or assigned to the genus Aegilops.
The genus Triticum includes 6 species classified according to ploidy level (ie the number of chromosomes that make up the genome) and genomic composition.
Two species are diploid with 14 chromosomes, 28 chromosomes with two tetraploid and two hexaploid with 42 chromosomes.
• The Triticum monococcum (diploid with genome A m) consists of two subspecies: T. monococcum aegilopoides, wild, and T. monococcum monococcum, cultivated, marketed under the name of einkorn;
• T. Urartu (diploid with genome A) exists exclusively in the wild. Although the genomes of T. monococcum and T. Urartu are very similar, the two species are considered as distinct because it does not give fertile offspring if interpollination;
• T. turgidum (tetraploid genomes BA), traded as wheat, has been the result of hybridization between species belonging to the lineage of 'Aegilops speltoides and the pollen of T. Urartu. T. turgidum includes several subspecies of which one of the most important is the T. turgidum dicoccum, grown and marketed under the name spelled, the subspecies T. turgidum dicoccum was subsequently derived from durum wheat (T. turgidum durum);
• T. timopheevii (tetraploid genomes GA), though very similar to T. turgidum, is the latest result of interbreeding occurred between the Aegilops speltoides and the pollen of T. Urartu. If interpollination, T. and T. turgidum timopheevii not give fertile offspring e sono pertanto considerate specie differenti. Al T. timopheevii appartengono due sottospecie: il T. timopheevii armeniacum, forma selvatica dalla quale è stata addomesticata una forma coltivata in alcune regioni del Caucaso, il T. timopheevii timopheevii;
• Il T. aestivum (esaploide con genomi BAD) è derivato dall'ibridazione di una sottospecie coltivata di T. turgidum e il polline di una specie selvatica, l'Aegilops tauschii. Tutte le diverse sottospecie sono coltivate ma la più importante è il grano tenero;
• Il T. zhukovskyi (esaploide con genomi GAAm ) è derivato dall'ibridazione tra T. timopheevii timopheevii e il polline del T. monococcum. Anche questa specie esiste solo in forma coltivata ed è present in some regions of the Caucasus.
Distribution of grain production in the world
Italy annually produces more than eight million tonnes of wheat, especially in the province of Foggia, known as the granary of Italy.
In Europe the countries are the strongest producers, as well as Italy, France (10 million tons annually), Germany (4.5 million), Spain (4.2 million), Britain (2.8 million), Romania (2.4 million), Portugal (2.1 million).
In America the major producers are Canada, the United States and Argentina. The volume of grain traded between nations in a year is 244 million tonnes. More than metà è prodotto da Cargill, multinazionale con centro in Minnesota, e circa il 25-30% dalla Archer Daniels Midland (ADM).
Nazareno Strampelli ed il GRANO SENATORE CAPPELLI
Alla fine dell’ottocento iniziano le prime scoperte ed i primi studi sulla radioattività (.... leggi tutto)
Grani antichi - Grani moderni - Considerazioni Ambientali - Alimentazione - Dati analitici del frumento integrale - Dal punto di vista nutrizionale - Le farine - Qualità e resa - Il lievito e la lievitazione - FONTI
Buona salute a tutti con l'augurio di promuovere la capacità di aggregarsi per scegliere attivamente il miglioramento della nostra società Vincent Dina
GAS PIEDIPERLATERRA NAPOLI tel 3495797340 3385621757
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Lung Cancer Symptoms More Condition_symptoms
Mail-art Silvia Di Domenico
"Coriandoli di luce" è la bellissima mail-art inviatami dall'artista Silvia Di Domenico
Bella vero? Grazie 1000 Silvia!!
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