The problem
Children whose parents are divorcing may have much to be angry. Almost every child is going through a divorce dei genitori è un bambino arrabbiato. Ci possono essere delle eccezioni, ma non molte.
Non sottovalutate se il vostro bambino sembra adeguarsi al divorzio senza rabbia. Molti bambini, che sono il ritratto della calma, che mostrano anche un comportamento allegro nei confronti del divorzio stanno ribollendo dentro e in seguito potrebbero esprimere la loro rabbia in modi distruttivi, come la depressione (i professionisti della salute mentale la chiamano "rabbia rivolta verso l'interno"), l'abuso di sostanze, e/o la delinquenza. Inoltre, la rabbia repressa si mostra spesso mascherata da malattia, ad esempio, mal di testa, insonnia, nausea e diarrea.
Cosa fare
Trovate dei ways in which both you and your children can better understand the anger. Mostly it is necessary to both understand that anger is a feeling normal, appropriate and healthy. Neither you nor your child you must try to suppress feelings of anger. What both need to do is to develop healthy ways of dealing with anger as behavior, so that it does not harm people or property.
We can all benefit from talking more about our feelings, especially angry children. The problem for you is that this requires a better armor.
>> Could you do to hear your child say, "I am angry with you" or "I hate you" without feeling the need to defend yourself?
>> Could you do to hear your child say, "I hate Dad (or Mom)," without stopping to express agreement or disagreement?
>> Could you do hear your child talking about how he or she is miserable without interrupting to solve the problem?
If you would succeed, fine. Otherwise, it is preferable that you take your child to someone who can help.
The need to address the anger in a constructive way is particularly crucial with absent fathers. This means that mothers should allow (and sometimes forcing the hand), the meeting with the fathers and the fathers are allow children to express their anger directly. If you are an absent father, trying to be a model for your child constructive expression of anger talking about your anger (but not anger toward the child's mother), openly and honestly.
Getting Your Children Through Your Divorce, http://www.divorceinfo.com/
Translation by Dr. Ida Bottaro