More than 14 million Italian women were the object of physical, sexual and psychological violence in their lives. Most of this violence come from the partners (as 69.7% of rapes) and the vast majority (90%) has never been reported. Only in 24.8% of cases the violence was by a stranger, while the average age of the victims as much as one million and 400 thousand (6.6% of total) have been raped before 16 years . Troubled by the picture that emerges from the first survey on violence and abuse against women carried out by ISTAT in 2007. Data shows that 6,743,000 women are victims of physical or sexual violence (31.9%), 5 million of sexual violence (23.7%), 3,961,000 of physical violence (18.8%). Ben 6,092,000 women have suffered only psychological violence by their current partner (36.9% of women living at the time as a couple). A million and one hundred thousand have been 'Stalking', ie conduct persecutori.La psychological violence was suffered by 7,134,000 women, 43.2% with current partner. Of these, 3,477,000 have suffered often or always (21.1%). This type of violence is expressed through the insulation or isolation attempts (46.7%), control (40.7%), the
economic violence (30.7%), the devaluation (23.8%) intimidation (7.8%). WHO has never denounced NOW OR ATTEMPTED RAPE (90%) did so either out of fear of being judged badly or not be believed for a sense of shame or guilt.